group of people of various ages standing and watching a group of four musicians perform in front of an old building under a bright sunny sky

Resources for Volunteer Events

Tourism Saskatchewan provides resources to help organizers and volunteers plan and execute events in their communities.

Resources for Volunteer Events

Becoming a Saskatchewan Ambassador

Saskatchewan is known for our friendly people and authentic stories. Saskatchewan Ambassador training can help you leave visitors with a great impression of Saskatchewan.

Training Event Checklist

This Training Event Checklist can assist organizers in planning a successful volunteer training event.

Download the Training Event Checklist (PDF)

Volunteer Skills Cheat Sheet

The Volunteer Skills Cheat Sheet can be given to each volunteer. This Cheat Sheet can be provided on its own or as a companion to the "Becoming a Saskatchewan Ambassador" video. It includes space to record key contact information.

Download the Volunteer Skills Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Saskatchewan Ambassador online course

The Saskatchewan Ambassador course empowers event workers and volunteers to make a lasting impact on visitors while representing the province and community with pride.

Learn more about Saskatchewan Ambassador training.

Organizing Special Events online course

Organizing Special events is an introductory online course that takes you step-by-step through all the pieces you need to have in place to create an effective business plan for your event.

Learn more about Organizing Special Events training.

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For more information

Contact us for answers to your questions or to find out more about how Tourism Saskatchewan can help you make your volunteer events a resounding success.

Contact Information

Tourism Saskatchewan Workforce Development
306-933-5900 or toll-free 800-331-1529